APNEA-Zwanneï Collective

APNEA is a  performance ( body, electronic music , projection )Apnea or suspension of external breathing (Greek: απνοια, from α-, privative, πνεειν, to breathe) and its variations by strangulation fit into history, literature and cinema in these elitist or popular forms. Free diving ( Le Grand Bleu, The Dive) voluntary suffocation or fainting experiences of childhood games ( choking games named “ Lacet étrangleur” (garotte) , “lung game”, “marvelous night”, “Indian Summer” , “cosmos” …) erotic asphyxiation practices, “scarfing “or “head rush” ( Kenpark) , all these experiences imply the possibility of knowing symbolic or physical abilities alteration, a quest for ecstasy , of sublime experience, of hallucinations, of symbolic or real games with death and the permanent inference of a NDE, a near death experience that would project, even for a short moment, the consciousness out of the body:

The aim of the “I” is to have access to a certain kind of transcendence which once consciousness is thrown out of the body, makes it wander into a universe from which an ineffable brightness is shining , makes it meet unspeakable worlds and characters ( …) all this with the feeling of unimaginable happiness the duration of which seems infinite and with a realism as lively if not more lively than our everyday life.” ( Daniel Maurer)

Recording session with Marc Edwards

Recording Session in Queens NY at The Thousand caves by Colin Marston

Henry Kaiser : Weekly Solo #33

Soloveev-G in Philadelphia Jack Wright-JP Gomez

Solo in Chapel

Interpenetration Live

Film for music

Film for music collaboration with Raphaël Maze & François Lebègue distribution by Light Cone Paris.

Gargaud-Gomez Sonoscopia (Porto)

Duo with Ricardo Jacinto at Lisboa


ZKraap Recording

Endiosada-Zwann eï Collective

Faith «struggles insanely, if you will, for the possibility» as «without possibility it is as though a person cannot draw breath» (Sören Kierkegaard, The Sickness Unto Death) Such is the  existential struggle: believing despite inevitable loss and despite the impossibility of any help.

Believing is what prevents from perishing. Drawing from the themes of faith and belief, the performance Endiosada (literally entrusted by God ) explores freely the points of contact between life devoted to the permanent quest for help and transcendence.  WebSite